Sunday 7 June 2020



1.   Which country hosted the world environment day 2020?


2.   The first world environment day was celebrated on 5th June, 1974. What was its official theme?



3.   In which village of Uttarakhand (then Himachal Pradesh) the famous Chipko movement started on 24th April, 1973?


4.   Which Japanese word is used for the surviving victims of the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ?. The word literally translates as "explosion-affected people" and is used, often derogatorily, to refer to people who were exposed to radiation from the bombings.



5.   Which disease is a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning if it is also the name of the city in Japan, where it was discovered in 1956 due to the release of methylmercury in the industrial waste water?


6.   Which well-known water conservationist from known as "waterman of India” won the Stockholm Water Prize in 2015?



7.   Who was awarded the 2017 Whitley award for her role in protecting the greater adjutant and its wetland habitat in Assam, India?


8.   Whose autobiography is "The Fall of a Sparrow"?



9.   Which is the world largest rain forest?


10.               He made the first documentary on Kaziranga National park which was telecasted in Berlin TV in 1961. He was awarded the Padmashree in 1971, an honorary Doctorate of Science from Assam Agricultural University (AAU) in 1991, and also an honorary Ph.D. from Dibrugarh University. Who is he?



11.               Which environmental phenomenon was discovered by Joseph   

     Fourier in 1824?


12.               Which environmental activist group from Northeast India was established in 1982 by Soumyadeep Datta, an Ashoka Fellow?


13.               Who is the author of the book “No one is too small to make a difference”?



14.               She became the first African women to win a Nobel Prize when she was awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize for Peace. She founded the  Green Belt Movement in 1977.She was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 1984 and Indira Gandhi Peace Prize in 2006. Who is she?


15.               It was founded in 1970 as “Don’t make a wave committee” to protest against US underground nuclear test at Amchitka Island of Alaska. How do know it today?


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